When did you complete your assessor qualification? If you qualified as an assessor over 10 years ago and you completed the D32, D33, A1 or A2 qualifications, it may be time to refresh. Education is constantly changing and keeping up to date is vital if we want to provide our students with the best quality training and assessing. 

Is my old qualification still valid? 

The most up to date assessing qualification is the Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA). If you have D32, D33, A1 or A2 qualifications they will still be valid and recognised by employers and awarding bodies as long as your occupational competence and continuing professional development (CPD) are up to date. 
If your original qualification didn’t include the unit Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment (UPPA), then it’s certainly a good idea to complete that, either as a fully accredited unit or simply as a non-accredited option, as UPPA gives you the knowledge you need to carry out your assessing role fully. 

Why should I refresh if my qualification is still valid? 

We all need to complete Continuing Professional Development (CPD) every year and refreshing your assessor qualification will count towards that. 
If you’re an assessor, your External Quality Assurer may ask for evidence of how you are maintaining your knowledge and ensuring your practice is current: this will help towards that too! 
Often assessors will dip in and out of the profession. If this is you, then we’d certainly recommend refreshing your assessing qualification. This doesn’t have to be a huge task: you can make as much or as little of it as you choose. 

What are my options for refreshing? 

Distance learning: 
Refresher Assessor: £99 
Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment unit (accredited): £199 
Full Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (accredited): £625 
Contact us for more information or advice or buy Refresher Assessor direct from our shop.  
For more information on assessing, check out some of our other blogs: 
Refresher Assessor

If you qualified as an assessor over 10 years ago and you completed the D32, D33, A1 or A2 qualifications, it may be time to refresh. Education is constantly changing and keeping up to date is vital if we want to provide our students with the best quality training and assessing.

Often assessors will dip in and out of the profession. If this is you, then we’d recommend refreshing your assessing qualification with Refresher Assessor! This workbook gives you the updated knowledge you need to continue your assessing to the highest standard.

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On 10th August 2023 at 15:54, Annemarie Hynds wrote:
I need to update my d32 d33 and have continued with ongoing training and development in Hair Extension courses and working within a salon enviroment as a senior stylist .
I wish to run my own training within the salin offering short courses .
Please advise in qualification update
On 13th February 2023 at 23:56, Dr Olatope Oladunni Daniyan wrote:
I will to enquire about your assessor courses and how to qualify to become an accredited assessor. Thanks
On 14th October 2022 at 15:46, P Casbolt wrote:
I am a primary school headteacher looking to relocate and move out of primary education.
How could I gain a CAVA qualification while I am still working as a head teacher - we do not have any adult working towards qualifications.
On 1st December 2021 at 23:34, Barbara Hooper wrote:
I have been a hairdresser afro/euro for 17yrs+, and I want to diversify into training hence contacting you,
I would love for you to help me set up the viable training centre in mainly hair extensions.
I have just completed a BSc (Hons) Degree in Business Mgt. I also have L2 -2005, L3 -2009 Euro Hairdressing as well as Diplomas in various Hair Extension Techniques - 2004, plus L4 in PTTLS and TAQA -2016.
I need your help to set up right please.